Wednesday, April 3, 2013

In need of warm weather

In need of warm weather

This warm weather and then cold weather is really starting to irritate me. Recently it has been really nice outside and then the next day it is super cold with high winds. The worst kind of weather is when it is so sunny outside but then when you take a step out of the doorway you are freezing. That kind of weather makes me want to punch the sun.
             I can honestly say that I check the weather app on my phone twice a day. Sometimes I am looking for what the degrees is currently and sometimes I am looking for what the weather is going to be like in the next week. I love seeing that the weather is going to be fifty plus degrees later on in the week. I think I mainly am doing this because I want it to be warm all the time instead of randomly.

I have all these spring and summer clothes that I want to wear but I can’t quite yet because it is too cold outside. It angers me because it is the beginning of April and should be spring not winter. As the days go on it does seem like it is becoming warmer, but not as warm as I would like. I just get annoyed when one day it is fifty plus degrees and then the next day it is low forties or high thirties. From here on out I think it should be at least fifty degrees.
           Since it has been so cold recently, all of the spring sport’s games have been postponed because it is too cold for people to be playing or the fields aren’t ready to be played on. If I were to be in a spring sport, I would be disappointed because technically the season isn’t starting till later because they aren’t being allowed to play until later. I know that the girls’ soccer team had their game against Muscatine postponed from Monday to Thursday. They also have a game Friday so they will be very warned out from those two games.

I would just really appreciate it if this weather would become a lot more enjoyable and relaxing fairly soon. Some people are wondering if winter is ever going to end and I am starting to think that too. Please be warmer by mid-April because I don’t want to keep wearing my winter clothes to school.

(403 words)

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