Thursday, March 28, 2013

Barking Dog

Barking Dog

It hasn’t been warm this spring until yesterday when it was forty-five degrees out. It was really nice to go outside after school into warm weather. But when I got home I could tell that it was warm outside because my dog barked at very single dog that walked by. I seriously was about to smack his face so hard because I was extremely annoyed.
    I think the reason why I was so annoyed was because I was trying to study for the ACT and then every time he barked I would have to stop and get him to shut up. After trying to shut my dog up for a half hour I realized he probably wanted to go on a walk. I felt really bad because I wasn’t going to take him on a walk when I had a lot of work to do so I put him on the chain. That actually made it one hundred times worse because he was even closer to all the dogs. I ended up having to go get him because I bet all of the neighbors were extremely annoyed, just like I was.

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Teenagers on the Internet

Teenagers on the Internet

As stated in my previous blog, social media has ruined our communication skills. I also believe that social media has became dangerous for young adults and teenagers. There are some dangerous websites for adults but the main concern is teenagers having online relationships.
Today you see a lot of older adults on dating websites such as E-harmony and I am not necessarily saying these websites are dangerous but adults need to be careful when using these sites. I have heard plenty of stories where the couple meets online and then they agree to meet each other in person somewhere but then the male ends up raping or hurting the female.
On the other hand I have heard awesome stories about these online dating websites that the couple ends up getting married and having a great life together. It all depends on how smart people are when using these sites.
Now teenagers on the other hand should not be on these sites at all. Especially now days, teenagers that are under the age of fifteen are getting on websites such as Facebook and Twitter by lying about their age. In an article I found called Electronic Intimacy it states, “I wonder about the nearly eight million American children age twelve and younger who are currently registered on Facebook (having easily evaded restrictions created in response to federal laws prohibiting data collection on children under thirteen)”. This right here shows that there are young kids on these sites they shouldn’t be on.
Something needs to be done about this because these kids and young teenagers could be getting bullied, not knowing how to deal with it. Also they could be adding and accepting friends they don’t actually know. This is all very dangerous. One really important way that can prevent all of this is to have parents be very cautious in what their children are doing on the Internet.

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Texting hurting Communication

Texting hurting Communication

             Social media is a topic that has been brought up a lot recently around the United States. What actually is considered social media? This is a question that not many people know how to answer. If you were to ask me this question I would say that anything involving communication using electrons to talk to someone else is considered to be social media. So yes, I would say that e-mailing and using cell phones is social media.

Many people would disagree that e-mailing and cell phones are social media but I have found evidence in articles that I have read to prove my point. In an article that Ashton Kutcher wrote called, Has Texting Killed Romance? He stated, “With all this texting, e-mailing, and social networking, I started wondering, are we all becoming so in touch with one another that we are in danger of losing touch?” Also in another article called, Electronic Intimacy it states, “E-mail and texting and interactions on Facebook encourage more efficient and instantaneous affirmation of rejection of our feelings.” Both of these article’s quotes are referring to texting and e-mailing as social media.

When I sat down and thought about what social media has done for us, it really has hurt a lot of humans. I believe that social media has ruined the communication between people. You see more and more people today who are in a large group but they are sitting on their cell phones, not speaking to anyone else in the room. Eight years ago, this would not be occurring. If there was a group of people sitting in a room, most likely no one would be on their phones; they would probably be having conversations with each other, not even worrying about their cell phone.

Since texting and e-mailing have been brought up into this world, more and more people do it. They are taking advantage of these two communication methods instead of speaking in person face to face. When someone is in an argument they would rather not have to speak to them in person but write an e-mail or text message. This causes a problem because when they actually need to know how to handle in argument in person, they don’t know how to.

If you were to walk through a hallway of a high school, I bet you that at least eighty percent of the students would be on their cell phone either looking at Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or texting. Again eight years ago or even less you would not have seen this occurring in schools. Because most people are texting these days, they are losing their communication skills. When a text is sent, there is an unlimited amount of time to send a message; you can have as much time as you want to think about what to respond back with. If you were to have a conversation in person and didn’t know how to respond, you are screwed because there is not an unlimited time.

Also texting has made grammar and spelling go downhill. From my personal experience, I have been texting for a long time now and I honestly can say that I don’t have the best spelling. I am so relied on auto correct that is on my phone, I don’t even worry about misspelling words in a text message. When it comes to writing an essay on paper, it is hard for me to spell all of the words correctly because I am not used to having to spell a word when it has been given to me most of the time.

Like I said, I even have a problem with my communication with others because of social media. I think that most people would agree with me too, but it is not like people are going to stop texting and e-mailing each other because that is what people do in their everyday life. It is kind of hard to change something in your life that occurs so frequently. It would be nice though to have people cut down on using electronics to communicate between people. The more people cut down on using electrons to communicate, the better our communication will be between each other.
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Sunday, March 17, 2013



           Most people here in Cedar Rapids are going somewhere warm and fun for spring break and I am sitting here in good ol’ Cedar Rapids extremely bored. I have not gone on a vacation somewhere warm in two years. Two years ago in May I went to Florida with a friend and her dad. In eighth grade I also went to Cabo, Mexico with two friends and our moms. That was probably my favorite trip so far in my life because I was able to be with my friends and my mom at the same time. It just has been a long time since our family has gone on a vacation.
            The only two vacations that my family has gone on together is we went to Florida once and Arizona once. When we went to Florida we went with my two grandparents and attended all the Disney World parks. When we went to Arizona we stayed with my grandparents at their house that they have there. Both of these trips were very fun to be able to hang out with the family and relax at the same time. The next trip I go on I want it to be with my family. I don’t get to spend much time with my family so it would be nice to be somewhere with only them that you know and just hang out.
            What makes vacations the best is the ability to just relax. Now that I am older I would rather go someplace with a beach and warm weather to lay around every day in and not have to be on a schedule. When you go someplace like Disney World, its like you need to go to every amusement park. To go to every amusement park you kind of have to be on a certain schedule so that you get to every place. Sometimes that becomes overwhelming because you aren’t ever able to just lay around and relax.
            I remember when our family went to Florida, my dad kept trying to get us to go to all of these places. I think that it was good that we went to all the amusement parks because when you are in Orlando, Florida for the first time you kind of have to do the whole Disney World stuff. When we went to Arizona, we weren’t as busy and overwhelmed with all the activities to do so it was much for relaxing. In Arizona we were able to sit around on the pool and relax every day but in Florida we had one day on the beach and the rest were days at the amusement park.
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St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day

            March 17th is a crazy day here in the United States. It is St. Patrick’s Day where all the adults go to bars and get wasted. Actually I shouldn’t just say adults, some teenagers think that it is ok to act as an adult and drink and be crazy. I think this is totally wrong. First of all I don’t even understand why St. Patrick’s Day is the day where a lot of people drink.
            There are a lot of cool things that happen on St. Patrick’s Day though. A lot of the cites around the United States will have a parade. Also many restaurants do cool things with their food. I know that Panchero’s makes their burritos green. The little things like that make St. Patrick’s Day enjoyable.
            I believe that the parade is the best part to St. Patrick’s Day. It provides something for the little kids to do and watch. It if weren’t for the parade then St. Patrick’s Day wouldn’t be the same at all. Having the parade completes the idea of St. Patrick’s Day. I think that it is like that for a lot of the holidays though.
            I am really curious on how all the adults that have been partying it up all day are going to attend work tomorrow. If they are up drinking all day and then have to get up early in the morning for work, I am guessing they will be having a pretty ruff day. I wonder if it really is worth it? All the drinking and partying and then having to work the next day… I know I wouldn’t want to do that.
            Do people even know why we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day? To be honest, I really had no clue until I asked a couple people. They said that it is because we have many Irish people in our country. In Ireland, St. Patrick’s Day is like their New Years Eve, where everyone parties and celebrates. I just find it funny that most people out there who are partying all day don’t even know why we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.

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Teacher Harlem Shake

Teacher Harlem Shake

              A couple days ago, as I was sitting in my chemistry desk I heard someone say that our high school teachers made a video of them doing the Harlem Shake. While I was watching the video the only thing I did was laugh. Let me just say that it is very entertaining. At first I was very shocked to what was happening, like our teachers are dancing? What?

                After watching the video multiple times I couldn't stop laughing because it was so hilarious. Just the fact that our teachers wanted to get together to do a dance is the best part. Some people think the video is weird but I disagree with them. It isn’t weird, it is hysterical.

                The best part in watching the video is trying to figure out who is who and which teachers of yours is in the video. I have figured out that three out of five of my teachers are in the video. Actually I am not exactly sure if one of them is in the video for sure because she will not admit to it. If you watch the video multiple times you will see that there are two fishes in the bottom left hand corner. The only teacher in the whole school that has those fish is Ms. A.

                Being a student in her class has allowed me to ask her if she is in the video. Even though classmates and I have asked her multiple times if she is in the video, she still answers no. I have plenty of evidence that it is her such as: the fish, other teachers, the glasses that are present on the person holding the fish, and the smirks she produces when I ask if she is in it or not.  I don’t know why she will not admit to it because there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Actually if you are a teacher in the video, you are now considered to be “cool” from the student body.

                Ever since I have seen the first Harlem Shake, I have wanted to make one myself. I think that my family would put on a pretty good Harlem Shake. Maybe over spring break we will have time to make one since we aren’t going anywhere. All I can say is, the best Harlem Shake that I have seen so far is the one that is done by our teachers. I hope they have made a longer one that we are able to see later. 

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

ACT Time

ACT Time

Have you taken the ACT yet? If you haven’t I would totally recommend studying for the ACT. It has been shown on this website that studying for the ACT helps people receive better scores. The best way to study for the ACT is to take practice tests to see what the questions could be like.

You make ask, “How do you study for the ACT?” Well there are many different tools to use to study. The best study tool I think is the ACT website. It gives you hints on how to take the test. Also the best part of the website is there are practice tests for each section; reading, English, science, and math.

Another tool you could use are the ACT test prep booklets that have practice tests included with answer keys. Using a booklet allows it to be a lot more realistic to how it would be on the actual test. I say that because you don’t take the test on the computer, you take it on paper.

I have taken the ACT once before earlier this year and I didn’t do my best. I thought it would be a good idea to take the test without studying and then seeing what I need to work on. I would say not to do that. I think the first time you take the ACT, you should study for it many days prior to the test day. I am currently signed up to take the ACT again in April. I really do hope that I receive a better score by at least four.

I know that it is hard to sit down and study for something but this test is really important. It basically allows you to get into college. If you don’t receive a good enough score you could not be accepted. You may think the best thing to do is to take the ACT the first time without studying so you could see what you need to improve on or study more on, but I would not do this. Why not study the first time and receive a good enough score that allows you to not have to take it again? I wish I had done that.

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Missing School

Missing School

Since I have been sick these past four days, I haven’t been able to attend school.  That is the worst thing about being sick is not being able to go to school. I know that may sound really stupid but I hate missing school. The main reason I hate missing school is because of the make up work that I have to do. I haven’t missed one full school day yet this year until the beginning of this week.

Yesterday I was feeling a lot better until last night. I went to volleyball practice last night which now I think was a bad choice and after practice I went to Wendy’s to get a baked potato and chicken nuggets. Since I hadn’t ate much all week I was very hungry and thought it would be good to eat. But then after I got home and laid down, I felt really sick to my stomach and felt like throwing up. I believe it was because I ate so much. Now I know not to do that and to take it slow when I eat.

Today was the day that I was going to try to go to school and see how I felt but when I woke up this morning, I felt very sick again. I believe I have a virus and that I just need to rest to feel better. After I woke up this morning and talked to my mom, she said that she thought it would be the best decision for me to stay home from school one more day.

Staying home from school makes me sick because then I think about all the work that I will have to make up when I get back to school.  Whenever I stay home from school I try to make sure that I ask for work that the class did that day. Doing that usually makes me feel better about not being left behind.

I really do encourage all students who have to stay home from school for some reason to email their teachers and ask for make up work. It allows you to stay on track and not get so far behind. If you don’t understand the material, at least you know what you have missed or have been missing.

I honestly don’t think I would have ever said this but I want to go back to school. The sooner the better because the more school days I miss the more work I have to make up.

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