Thursday, March 28, 2013

Teenagers on the Internet

Teenagers on the Internet

As stated in my previous blog, social media has ruined our communication skills. I also believe that social media has became dangerous for young adults and teenagers. There are some dangerous websites for adults but the main concern is teenagers having online relationships.
Today you see a lot of older adults on dating websites such as E-harmony and I am not necessarily saying these websites are dangerous but adults need to be careful when using these sites. I have heard plenty of stories where the couple meets online and then they agree to meet each other in person somewhere but then the male ends up raping or hurting the female.
On the other hand I have heard awesome stories about these online dating websites that the couple ends up getting married and having a great life together. It all depends on how smart people are when using these sites.
Now teenagers on the other hand should not be on these sites at all. Especially now days, teenagers that are under the age of fifteen are getting on websites such as Facebook and Twitter by lying about their age. In an article I found called Electronic Intimacy it states, “I wonder about the nearly eight million American children age twelve and younger who are currently registered on Facebook (having easily evaded restrictions created in response to federal laws prohibiting data collection on children under thirteen)”. This right here shows that there are young kids on these sites they shouldn’t be on.
Something needs to be done about this because these kids and young teenagers could be getting bullied, not knowing how to deal with it. Also they could be adding and accepting friends they don’t actually know. This is all very dangerous. One really important way that can prevent all of this is to have parents be very cautious in what their children are doing on the Internet.

(318 words)

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