Thursday, January 10, 2013

TV Shows

TV Shows
              Do you have a favorite TV show you like to watch on certain nights of the week? I sure do. Like most shows, the ones I watch come and go. It happens to be that all the shows I like to watch are on at one time of the year so when they aren’t on, I don’t have any shows to watch. This kind of thing gets me angry because having three shows I like to watch all on one night just isn’t possible.

The five main TV shows that I watch are The X Factor, The Voice, The Bachelor, In the Middle, and Modern Family. The first three are shown on Mondays and the other two are on Wednesday nights. In the Middle and Modern Family are both only thirty minutes long. My favorite show out of the five has to definitely be The Bachelor. I know a lot of people think that it is a stupid show which I agree with also, but it is very entertaining. There is a lot and I mean a lot of drama.
The drama and the hot men completely make up for the idea of the show being stupid. I like The Bachelorette better just because there is one girl and twenty-five other men. But The Bachelor is more entertaining because you get to see the girls fight and argue about the stupidest things. I do have to admit that it gets annoying sometimes. Too be honest, I don’t mind if I miss an episode at the beginning of the season because there are so many girls/men, they are hard to keep track of. It is fun at the end when there are only ten or so girls/men left to choose from because you get to know the contestants better.
Now The X Factor and The Voice are both very similar shows. They both involve people singing and then being assigned a mentor throughout the rest of the show. They are both relatively new shows but I have watched The Voice ever since it was broadcasted. The X Factor I have just recently started watching. This past season was the first season I watched. Having The X Factor and The Voice on the same night wasn’t my favorite thing. I ended up watching The X Factor more. I don’t know if it was just because it was the first time I saw X Factor or if I just liked The X Factor better. After watching a couple of X Factor episodes I started to know the people competing and had a favorite, so that could be why I watched it more.
In the Middle and Modern Family are hilarious TV shows. I would have to say Modern Family is a little bit funnier. They both are about their families and how they live their life. All of the characters do a good job making the episodes comical.  
All of these shows keep me entertained on week nights after my practices and while I do my homework. When these shows are not being broadcasted I have nothing to do at night but go to sleep, which sometimes I guess is a good thing. Having TV shows to watch always keeps your life interesting. After watching an episode the next day you can talk with your friends about what happened. That is what I like most about these shows.
(565 words)

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