Thursday, January 17, 2013

Required Gym

Required Gym

Are you involved in athletics here at Kennedy? Well I think you would agree with me on this blog if you are. Starting this year the school decided that you could only use your academic waiver if you had a full schedule of 6 classes. I think this new “rule” is crap. Actually I would have to say it is only crap if you are involved in athletics.
For me I do not have a break of sports through out the entire year. I go from high school volleyball in the fall to high school basketball in the winter. In the spring I am playing club volleyball and club basketball. I am active every single week of the year in one of the two sports, if not both.
Right now I have 5 classes with first hour off so that I can babysit Mr. Steckers daughter. I am not involved in a high school sport in the spring so I technically have to be in a gym class because I don’t have a full schedule. This is what makes me mad. I am not a person that needs to exercise during the school day when I am going to have a club practice of some sort after school that day.
Now if I weren’t to play any club sports or be active outside of school, I think requiring students to take a gym is acceptable. But when you have student athletes taking a gym every day and then practicing later that night, they become very warn out. It becomes to be too much on the student athletes.
            If I were to have to be in a gym class I would choose the lifting class. Since I am not involved in a high school sport in the spring I would stay after school and lift every other day anyways. I think it would be better if I weren’t in the class just because then I wouldn’t have to come every day and I then I would get to work on the lifts that I need to work on.
            I hope this new “rule” is changed fast because it is starting to make me very angry.

(364 words)

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