Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sunday's Funday's

Sunday's Fundays

Sundays should be for church and yourself. Every week people need to take a day off of everything, such as school and sports and relax. It might be a little difficult to take a day off of both of these things but they really should be done. When you are non-stop doing things for six days in a row, your body starts to get tired. There is one extra day in a week for everyone to be able to relax and be lazy.

I know most students leave their homework till Sunday to finish and students who are in sports have a tournament or a practice on Sunday’s, but really they shouldn’t. Everything that you wanted to get done on Sunday should be accomplished on Saturday. That way you have the day to yourself, doing whatever you want to do without having to worry about going to practice or finishing a homework assignment is how it should be.

All churches have services on Sunday’s and sometimes Saturday nights. Most families prefer to attend church on Sunday morning instead of Saturday evening. When I was younger I was always told by my pastor that Sunday’s should be for Jesus and yourself, nothing else. Since I have been told this ever since I was younger, I have started to believe in that statement. It is very difficult for me to actually go along with that though. Saturday’s I am busy with basketball and don’t have time for homework so Sunday’s are the days I do my homework. Also I participate in club volleyball, and we have practices every Sunday.

Doing nothing on a Sunday is so relaxing. Sunday’s are the only day out of the whole week where good movies are broadcasted. To be able to lie down and watch movies all day would be absolutely wonderful. I think it is kind of ironic how the day people are supposed to stay home and relax, traditional and fun movies are on TV. This sometimes forces people to stay at home and do nothing. When a movie comes on that people really enjoy and they were going to go out to dinner, they might just stay home and eat so they can watch the movie instead of missing the movie and eating out.

I know that once I am older, I am going to try to keep Sundays to church and myself because I feel like I would become a happier person. Having a whole day to do whatever I want without anything getting in the way of my day would be amazing. I wonder when I will be able to do this though. It will be hard the rest of my high school career and definitely hard in college with a lot of homework to get done in a weekend.

I hope this blog makes you rethink about what you do on your Sunday’s. The more you get done on a Saturday the more the time you will get to yourself on Sunday.
(501 words)

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